Book of Prayers

- Original object type: Artefact
- Title: Book of Prayers
Each office appears twice, once for the Use of Sarum, and once for the Use of York. Principal contents: ff. 2r-7v Calendar; ff. 9r-21v Penitential Psalms; ff. 22r-31v Litany (Use of Sarum); ff. 31v-42v Litany (Use of York); ff. 43r-102v Office of the Dead (Use of Sarum); ff. 103r-106v Office of the Dead (Use of York); ff. 107r-127r Commendation of Souls, with additions (Use of York) ff. 127r-v; ff. 127v-130v O intemerata.
- Date range: c1425
- Collection: Medieval Manuscripts
- Physical Identifier: BC MS 16
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