Leeds University Digital Library

John Constable trade card

  • Original object type: Artefact
  • Title: John Constable trade card
  • Description:

    Ornate late 18th century engraved trade card of John Constable. Trader details inside rococo frame with two faces carved into edges. Engraver details in panel at bottom of frame.

    Transcription: Jn. [John] Constable. Upholder, Appraifer [Appraiser] & Undertaker, the last House on the right Hand in New Street, next Devonshire Street without Bifhopgate [Bishopgate] Makes up all Sorts of Furniture after the Newest Fashion, Appraifeth Houfehold [Appraiseth Household] Goods, and Furnisheth Funerals, on the moft reafonable [most reasonable] Terms. W. Cole sculp, Newgate Street

  • Date range: c.1790
  • Date: 1790
  • Depositing User: - libemu
  • Date Deposited: 09 Jun 2021 17:16
  • Last Modified: 09 Jun 2021 17:16