Leeds University Digital Library

Painted Pots and Robot Pieces (part of Bristol Printmakers' folio '81)

  • Original object type: Image
  • Title: Painted Pots and Robot Pieces (part of Bristol Printmakers' folio '81)
  • Description:

    Lower left, in pencil: '1/75'

    Lower centre, in pencil: 'Painted Pots and Robot Pieces'

    Lower right, signed and dated in pencil: 'LAF' (?) 1981'

  • Date range: 1981
  • Date: 1981
  • Subjects: University Subjects > Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies
  • Depositing User: - libemu
  • Date Deposited: 09 Jul 2024 14:30
  • Last Modified: 09 Jul 2024 14:30