'Hartlepool Letter', signed Currer Bell, initially attributed to Charlotte Brontë but now recognised to be not authentic.
- Original object type: Artefact
- Title: 'Hartlepool Letter', signed Currer Bell, initially attributed to Charlotte Brontë but now recognised to be not authentic.
- Corporate Creators: Charlotte Brontë
addressed from Hartlepool. A facsimile and typescript transcription is included. This letter is kept together with 'The Microcosm' (Vol. IX, 1924) ed. by Dorothy Una Ratcliffe; various press cuttings in relation to the publication and authenticity of the letter (including from The Sphere, Yorkshire Post, Bradford Daily Telegraph); and a letter from Zaehnsdorf Bookbinders.
'Hartlepool Letter', signed Currer Bell, initially attributed to Charlotte Brontë but now recognised to be not authentic.
'Hartlepool Letter', signed Currer Bell, initially attributed to Charlotte Brontë but now recognised to be not authentic.
- Collection: Brontë
- Physical Identifier: BC MS 19c Bronte/C9
- URI: http://digital.library.leeds.ac.uk/id/eprint/6931
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